
Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Do you offer a free introductory phone call?

Finding the right therapist for you is an important process. I offer a 15-minute phone call for individual therapy, where you can explain what you are seeking therapy for. You shall also gain a feel for my approach and provides you a chance to ask any questions you may have. 

How much are sessions?

Individual sessions are £80. Couples therapy sessions are £110.

How long are session times

Individual sessions are 50 minutes. Couples therapy sessions are 60 minutes.

Where are sessions held?

Sessions are based at the following London locations: Farringdon/Barnsbury/Tufnell Park. I also offer online sessions via Zoom.

How often should I have therapy?

Sessions are weekly, usually at a set time each week. There may be exceptional circumstances where times differ but the continuity and weekly structure is important to ensure good ethical practice.

How many sessions are expected?

This depends on your circumstances, what your needs are, or what it is you are seeking therapy for. There is no obligation to have a set number of sessions. It is your call to decide how many sessions you have, however, ending a therapeutic relationship deserves attention and should be discussed accordingly.

Contact me in confidence via email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Counselling and Psychotherapy London EC1 & N19


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