It is common to have a period of low mood or low energy. Most people will feel this at some point. It is natural to feel flat at times and can also be a totally healthy response to challenging life events such as losing a loved one and experiencing bereavement.
However, depression can be diagnosed as mild to severe and be long-lasting and at times make it challenging to carry out daily tasks. If this occurs over a long period there may be a chance you are experiencing depression.
Common ways of experiencing depression can be:
- Low mood
- Low self-esteem
- Low energy levels
- Interrupted sleep pattern
- Apathy
- Loneliness
It can also be a crippling condition that makes us withdraw from life and loved ones around us, leaving us further disconnected and more likely to continue with feeling depressed.
Depression can present itself due to many things such as biological or psychological factors, major life events, or personal circumstances. Some examples contributing towards depression may include:
- Stressful life events such as bereavement can lead to depression. Although bereavement is a natural process it may turn into a prolonged state of depression.
- Loneliness – a state of isolation and loneliness is known to increase chances of depression. If we try to deal with feelings alone in isolation and withdraw from social groups or family we are more likely to become depressed.
- Ending of a relationship
- Financial pressures.
- Life’s circumstances may gather momentum in a seemingly downward spiral that compounds depression
- Drugs and alcohol are common ways of dealing with depression, but may reinforce a depressed state in the long run.
- Our personality can also play a role with depression which could be linked with genetics or either family environment. If a family member has depression, then it can be more likely you will experience it too.
- Traumatic experiences
- Unresolved emotional problems
- Medical conditions (such as cancer, stroke, heart attack or an underactive thyroid) can lead to a state of depression.
How can therapy help:
There may be one or multiple combining factors leading to feelings of depression. These are some ways in which therapy can support you.
- Depression can run in families. Whether there be a genetic or learned behaviour of how we express ourselves, therapy can assist you in creating awareness over your circumstances so you don’t suffer in silence.
- Certain emotions that have been repressed and pushed down through one’s life can result in feeling depressed. In therapy there can be a calling to emotional maturity whereby we can understand our own ways of emotional expression better and improve our emotional fluency. We can start to shine a light on any feelings that have been denied and pushed down.
- There may be a call to action that has gone ignored, an unconscious calling for you to live your authentic life. If you are wearing a social mask this may be at the expense of your true and authentic self which may require attention.
- Develop awareness around your feelings of depression. Rather than something simply heavy, a tool to shine a light and reveal to us what may be out of balance in our life and changes you could make to start improving symptoms for good.
Simple steps to support you with depression
There are also some practical steps that you can take to counter depression:
One of the most simple things you can do is make sure you are getting regular sleep. Evidence shows our biological clock and circadian rhythms react directly to a structure of our day. So if you don’t have a regular sleep pattern perhaps it could be time to do so?
It's important to have good sleep since this is when our body and brain rejuvenates and resets itself. It is the only time we can be in a state of full rest and it allows us to feel rejuvenated.
Exercise is proven to release feel good hormones such as endorphins so why not try to utilise this simple resource?
All forms of exercise can have a positive affect on depressed symptoms. Aerobic exercise such as going for a run or swim, resistance and strength training, or increasing mind-body awareness can support individuals with depression.
Going to the gym can be great to let off steam and even gain a social connection. But more simply than that, daily walks and anything to change your environment and increase heartrate can positively influence your body and state of mind.
Having a healthy diet can also positively influence how you feel. Countless studies show how fresh produce vs processed foods not only creates less chance of severe illness but creates a healthier body and mind.
Studies show a regular meditation practice can have a variety of positive outcomes on our brain chemistry and physiology. For therapeutic purposes it also promotes a more present centred here-and-now sense of self.